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How to Write a Check For Rent

When you move into a new rental property, you will be responsible for paying rent each month. One way to do this is by writing a rent check. Writing one...

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How to Use a Prepaid Visa Debit Card to the Fullest

Prepaid Visa debit cards are an excellent way to manage your money and spend less. They are convenient and easy to use, allowing you to make purchases wherever a Visa...

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Can I Cash a Ripped Check?

Do you have a torn check and wonder if it can still be cashed? You can, in fact, cash a torn check quite easily. This is because most financial institutions...

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Three Travel Preparation Tips For Your Summer Vacation

Between Memorial and Labor Day weekends, there will be millions of Americans traveling for their summer vacations. While some will be flying to destinations overseas others might opt for a...

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Simplify The Illinois License Plate Renewal Process

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there are more than 228 million drivers in America today. Most of those drivers have to go through renewing their license plate once...

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Know Before You Go: US Passport Validity & The 6 Months Rule

The summer travel season is almost upon us, which means it’s time to start preparing for your upcoming trip abroad. You need to make sure your travel documents, including any...

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How To Lower Your Chicago Utility Bills This Summer

Saving money during the warmer weather months is easier than you might think. Some of these changes can even lead to more sustainable and healthier habits at home. As of...

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3 Ways You Can Prepare To File During The 2022 Tax Season

Tax season officially began on January 24, 2022, but millions of Americans still need to file their taxes before the deadline on April 18th. There are several documents you should...

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Stimulus Checks And Updates To U.S. Currency In 2022

As the Covid-19 Pandemic persists with the Omicron variant, you might be wondering if another round of stimulus checks will happen this year. The good news is that there is...

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How Can We Help You Today?

West Suburban Currency Exchanges, Inc. (WSCE) is your community financial service center.

WSCE offers so much more than check cashing and money orders. We are an agent for the Illinois Secretary of State and can handle all of your vehicle license and title needs. We also offer Western Union money transfers, bill payment services, phone cards, check cashing, and more. Check out our full range of currency exchange services below!

West Suburban Currency Exchanges, Inc.

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